Master Bedroom Refresh

Six years ago, my husband, Nick, and I purchased a beautiful 100-year-old home the summer we were engaged. That whole summer before I moved in, I jumped into making that home our own. As the next few years passed, babies and businesses filled up our time. The increasing busyness of life had me longing for less stuff, peaceful playlists, cozier furniture, calmer colors. So, when I found myself pregnant with our third child, I decided it was time to make some changes. I started with our master bedroom.

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Mandy Pidek
Aviator Jayne: A Dream become a Reality

Another birthday has come and gone, and there’s nothing that makes me reflect more than celebrating another trip around the sun. I have so much to be grateful for - my family, my health, my community. And Aviator Jayne is certainly high on that list as well. I am beyond blessed to be able to wake up every day and live my dream, and share it with all of you!

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Mandy Pidek
The Tiny House in the Woods

Happy Thursday, friends! As I sit here this morning typing out my experience in the “Tiny House in the Woods” I can’t help but notice the profound difference I feel physically, emotionally, and even spiritually since our little getaway.

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Mandy Pidek
Surprise Office Makeover

Welcome back, friends! It’s been some time since I did some writing. But I’ve been so excited to finally share project “Surprise Office Makeover'“ with you! Let’s dive right in.

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Mandy Pidek